Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Lady is Back

On Sunday I met with my dance troupe friends for an Our Lady of Guadalupe reunion and planning session for this coming December. It's going to be an even bigger undertaking this year with practices starting in March ~ revving it up to full speed as we get closer. This year we're aiming to raise money to pay for new costumes to the tune of $450 for los hombres, and $250 for las mujers! Fundraisers consisting of selling authentic Mexican food after Masses. Hello, that's a lot of tamales! We'll see how this goes.

Also, new this year, we're planning to dance at couple other venues to bring publicity to our ministry - at the Latino festival and at the Germanfest. Fr. Gustavo saw other matachine dancers perform around a fire with torches and thought that would be a good idea for us too. Yii!!! It sounds like a very rigorous program, like the Olympics, that we'll be training for. Hopefully we can live up to our own expectations.

I spent a couple of hours with Rosetta today. All was good - the grammar is becoming natural as she only speaks in complete, correct sentences. It's really becoming a product of environment, as children of educated people speak well, and children of hillbillies speak hillbilly.

As I look back on this blog, I'm seeing large blocks of time with no entries. Mia culpa, mia culpa, but there is a fairly good reason. Remember how I wanted to get in shape so as not to collapse when dancing through the streets? Well, I've taken exercise to a new level, for me at any rate, and have been exercising almost daily at the YMCA. Good and bad. Good that I'm feeling stronger, healthier, and more tone, bad that I've actually gained weight, am developing this gluteus maximus, and don't have "free time" to pursue other interests. I will probably slow down after Spring Break or when my membership expires. In the meantime, I am a fighting kick boxer and body shopper, sporting muscles I didn't know existed anymore. And the batwings are receding, thank God.

A parting phrase from my calendar for Martes, Febrero 23, 2010: Riase todos los días. Laugh every day.

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