Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No one said it was going to be easy

House clean, bills paid, dinner premeditated, clothes washed. Anything else I can do to stall? I finally sat down this manana (which also means morning, as well as tomorrow) to take in a lesson or two with Rosetta, and discovered the headphone was nonfunctionado. What the heck! I burrowed through the instruction manual, and found it as Chinese as the language itself. I am not a computer wizard. In fact I think I dismantled something along the way.

So, I made a call to a very patient, saint-like phone operator at Rosetta's home office. She was Indian and very pleasant and helpful. Long story short, try plugging the microphone headset into a different USB port before you call.

I learned the days of the week: lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabado y domingo. Funny how they start una semana on a Monday, instead of a Sunday. I also overheard phone conversations, "Con quien cenando usted?" (Who are you eating dinner with?). Perfect picture for the response, as she replied she was eating dinner with su hermana who was giving her an eye roll.

My extra-curricular Spanish dancing lesson took me out of the gym and into the church on Sunday. Lights. Camera. Action. This is really happening. We practiced the dance numbers as they would be performed on Our Lady of Guadalupe's feast day. My spot is dead center of the first group of pews, so there's no place to hide. Luckily, we've practiced the steps often enough that I don't really have to think about it. I hear the beat of the drum and blast of the horn, and my legs just take over. I've concluded that it's practice that makes this all click.

Time to put Spanish back on the front burner and start practicing! How else will I get around in Mexico?

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